Monday 16 December 2013

Blogs and Content Management Systems

There are many different types of content management systems (CMS) and blogging systems that allow you to publish content to the Internet. Following are a few popular types of CMS/Blogging software, based on a variety of technologies:
Although admin control panel is  not able to provide details on deploying the tracking code for particular content management systems, you should be able to use Analytics on many different systems as long as you have access to the source code. Web analytics is a common practice and most CMS systems provide a module that you can edit. These modules then include the tracking code into your pages in a manner that is correct for that particular software.
We suggest that you review the documentation for your system, search forums, and use other sources for how to deploy Google Analytics for your blog or CMS.
Advanced reporting features, such as e-commerce tracking, may not be supported by specific software since these features require that you make more extensive changes and additions to the HTML code. Please contact Arisen Technologies to see how we can help you about e-commerce, tracking subdomains, and other advanced features to determine whether the types of modifications required for the features you are interested in implementing are supported by your CMS.

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